Working at Höegh LNG

Höegh LNG has 200 onshore staff in Norway, Germany, Lithuania, United Kingdom, the USA, Singapore, Indonesia, Egypt, Colombia, Brazil and the Philippines. Our multidisciplinary team works with our clients to execute complex marine infrastructure projects, moving and processing liquids and gases at high pressures and low temperatures.

We have a team of about 700 people onboard the fleet who ensures that the assets are being operated reliably with highest level of integrity and safety.

Working at HLNG

Our values guide our development and long-term progress


We innovate with
customers and partners

What We Look For Image
Hoegh Flag

We deliver excellence
as one team

What We Look For Image

We care for people
and planet

Who we are image


Höegh LNG has a leading position in the floating LNG industry, and we need talented people to take us further. For the right candidate this entails an outstanding opportunity to develop professionally​..

All vacancies are posted on the webpage. Applications must be submitted via our electronic recruitment portal. You will find a link to the recruitment portal under the relevant sub-headings. It only takes a few minutes to create a profile, register your personal data and upload your CV. If you are already registered with a Portable CV, you can transfer your data from previous applications in other companies. When you submit an application, you will be asked if you want to be contacted regarding other positions. If you tick yes, you will be prompted with an email when Höegh LNG announces a vacant position.

Please note that applications sent by e-mail or post will not be processed.